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Postuar nga Gjergj Kastrioti datė 02 Mars 2009 - 16:21:

Materiali anglisht
In some parts of the hill, to surround it completely, was made use of the rocky ground. This technique is more visible on the northeast side of the hill, where the steep ground protects the hill, avoiding the necessity to build a bailey in this part. From the preliminary survey of the hill, it is a little bit difficult to notice the number of the fortification watchtowers, however on the northeast side are preserved the traces of a rectangular environment, whose size and position give the idea that probably we have to do with a tower. On the northeast side of the hill, was identified a pile of fallen stones, giving the idea of a living house or probably of a ruined tower. The same structure is seen even on the southwest side of the hill, where the preserved traces of the wall, show that maybe we have to do with another tower or ruined house (Fig)
On the surrounded area of the hill pottery fragments of auburn colour have been found, dominating those with rake decoration and small circles. However defining the dating period of this fortification, requires archaeological excavations as well as a comparative study of the superficial findings.
This fortification is not included in the list of the monuments of culture under the supervision of the state. For the first time, in this survey has been designed the complete plan of the fortification, were taken photos and defined the coordination with GPS.

Materiali i perkthyer ne shqip

Ne disa pjese te kodres, per te rrethuar krejtesisht ate, jane perdorur gure. Kjo metode eshte me e dukshme ne veri-lindje te kodres, ku pjerresia e terrenit mbron kodren, duke shmangur nevojen per te ndertuar nje mur rrethues ne kete pjese. Nga vrojtimi paraprak i kodres, eshte pak i veshtire dallimi i numrit te sakte te kullave te vrojtimit, megjithate ne anen verilindore jane ruajtur gjurmet e nje mjedisi drejtkendor, madhesia dhe pozita e te cilit japin idene se ndoshta kemi te bejme me nje kulle. Ne verilindje te kodres, u identifikua nje grumbull guresh, duke dhene idene e nje shtepie ose te nje kulle te shkaterruar. E njejta strukture eshte pare edhe ne anen jug-perendimore te kodres, ku gjurmet e ruajtura te murit, tregojne se ndoshta kemi te bejme me nje tjeter kulle ose nje shtepi te shkaterruar.
Ne fushen e rrethuar te kodres jane gjetur fragmente qeramike ne ngjyre te kuqerremte, nder te cilat dominojne ato me dekorim ne forme kreheri dhe me rrathe te vegjel. Megjithate percaktimi i periudhes se kesaj fortifikate,kerkon studime e germime arkeologjike si dhe nje studim krahasues te gjetjeve siperfaqesore.
Kjo fortifikate nuk eshte perfshire ne listen e monumenteve te kultures nen mbikqyrjen e shtetit. Per here te pare, ne kete studim eshte hartuar nje planimetri e plote e fortifikates, jane marre fotot si dhe jane percaktuar koordinatat GPS.

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