Forumi Horizont Forumi Horizont > Tema Shoqėrore > Letėrsia > Ditari > letra imagjinare- perdite nga nje cmenduri Vlerėsimi i Temės: 3 votime, mesatarja 4.33.
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Regjistruar: 10/01/2003
Vendbanimi: .
Mesazhe: 5233

Nostalgji....... sa me ka marre malli per momentet e vjedhura, per bisedat qe benim naten vone kur ishim ne kerkim te vetvetes.. me kujtohet nje bisede.... pothuajse nje vit me pare
-ca po ben ?
une po merrem me germime
- ca germon?
-vetveten, cdo gje.
- vetveten?ma tregon dhe mua ?
-kam frike se do presesh perjete, se nuk besoj do e zbuloj ndonjehere
-po c'ke ti e zbuloj une, se ke hyre ne nje faze te re te vetvetes tani
eshte interesant nje zbulim i ri.
-s'besoj.maximumi do rrezikoje kanalin e komunikimit tone sepse une ndryshoj e se di as vete sesi. Prandaj ne nje moment do kujtoje se jam ai qe mendon nderkohe qe une do isha bere tjeter mbase. E keshtu padashje, duke u nisur nga deshira qe mund te kemi per tu ngulur tek njeri tjetri, do humbnim hapesiren e komunikimit, uren mes nesh.
-mua me pelqen te te ndjek ne ndryshimet e tua. me pelqen personi jot mendimet e tua, edhe une ndryshoj madje perdite, cdo ore, cdo minute...
- me ka mare malli per ty, te te zbuloj mendimet ato te mengjeseve
e di cila ka qene gjeja qe me pelqen me teper?
-me thuaj
-momentet kur ne mendjen tende jam vetem une, kur jemi vetem ne si te shkeputur nga e gjithe bota.
-me shume se eskluzivitetin, do doja te adhuroje me shume gjendjen time qe vjen me shume prej teje. sikur dhe nje cope te meje te kishe
- me ka mare malli per ato momente...
po e di- kemi dicka perfekte, pa pengesat normale ditore momente perfekte te paprekura nga koha, momente ku mund te fshihesh kur do te ndihesh mire.

ishte atehere qe me lindi ideja e dyluftimit me kohen.. dhe fillova te shkruaja tregime. doja te fiksoja e te ruaja cdo gje. koha do ecte por une po fiksoja gjithshka ne tru, boten time, perjetimet e mia, ndryshimet e mia. ishte atehere qe me the qe doje te ndryshoja si ty, te shfrytezoja kohen.
por nuk e dije sa frike do kishe nga ndryshimet e mia, sepse nuk e dije nese do ishe ne versionet e mia te reja, nese do me ndiqje dot aq mire sa mund te te ndiqja une.....

dje me doli gjumi heret....... ndeza nje cigare dhe po te mendoja..... po mendoja pikerisht kete bisede dhe kuptova qe ka nje pike takimi shkrirjeje qe veshtire se do mund te humbe kuptimin e saj me kalimin e kohes.......

It takes just as much courage to express your love when it's right, as it does to walk away when it's wrong.

Denonco kėtė mesazh tek moderatorėt | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetėr 21 Mars 2005 18:40
Klodel nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko kėtu pėr Profilin Personal tė Klodel Kliko kėtu pėr tė kontaktuar me Klodel (me Mesazh Privat) Kėrko mesazhe tė tjera nga: Klodel Shto Klodel nė listėn e injorimit Printo vetėm kėtė mesazh Shto Klodel nė listėn e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Pėrgjigju Duke e Cituar
Veteran ne forum

Regjistruar: 20/03/2005
Vendbanimi: -
Mesazhe: 3334

Leter imagjinare nga une...

.."I dashur!ti ecen bulevardit te trurit tend me hapa te cmendur!
Ke frike nga dashuria, ose ke frike te shohesh oret qe kalojne ne oren e varur ne doren tende te bukur!
Ke frike te shohesh kalendarin qe mat ditet, muajt vitet...e vitet e tua
te buzeqeshin!
Je i qeshur vertet apo?!...E akoma vazhdon te shetisesh bulevardit te trurit tend,
me pershendet me nje "ciao",e pastaj vazhdon te ecesh me hapa te renduar,
te lodhur,te dashuruar...!...akoma ftohtesi, akoma vape ben ne shpirtin tend te kalter,me te kalter se qielli mengjesor,
me te larget se rete ne qiellin e shpuar...!I dashur, ndalo hapin!
Merme me vete, aty ku mund te jemi vetem une dhe TI!"

nga sykaltra jote_usa...


Denonco kėtė mesazh tek moderatorėt | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetėr 21 Mars 2005 19:00
Sykaltra_Shqiptare nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko kėtu pėr Profilin Personal tė Sykaltra_Shqiptare Kėrko mesazhe tė tjera nga: Sykaltra_Shqiptare Shto Sykaltra_Shqiptare nė listėn e injorimit Printo vetėm kėtė mesazh Shto Sykaltra_Shqiptare nė listėn e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Pėrgjigju Duke e Cituar

Regjistruar: 10/01/2003
Vendbanimi: .
Mesazhe: 5233

vazhdoj te te shoh ne enderr. pyes veten time pse? shpjegimi i vetem qe mundem t'i jap eshte qe endrrat mesaduket mbeten te paprekshme nga realiteti. nje hapesire jashte konceptit kohor, nje perjetim i paperseritshem ne forme ne trajte ne intensitet ne ndjenje ...
ajo qe nuk kuptoj eshte pse fiksohem pas te paperseritshmes pse nuk bej nje hap perpara .. ne realitet e kam bere kam ecur, ne tru jo..... ne tru kam mbetur e fiksuar....

kesaj pyetjeje retorike nuk ja kam gjetur pergjigjen plotesisht ndoshta nje shpjegim eshte qe si ka gjera te paperseritshme ka dhe persona te paperseritshem e ndoshta veshtire te gjendet nje i dyte si ty, me te gjitha kombinimet e tua, ndoshta veshtire te gjendet nje i dyte si ty i cili me ka bere te lumtur ne gjithe kompleksitetin tim femeror...

vazhdoj kerkoj por gjithnje i bej krahasimet me ty.... ndoshta eshte gabim.. ndoshta duhet te pushoj te beri krahasime dhe te perjetoj gjera te reja........ por je si pike reference, pika qe nese dua te kuptoj gjerat rikthehem ne ate qe kam perjetuar ne thellesine e komunikimit. eshte ajo qe kerkoj por a do gjendet nje i dyte me te cilin te ndihem kaq e plotesuar sa me ty? ...........

te dergoj nje puthje edhe pse nuk do te te vije.......

It takes just as much courage to express your love when it's right, as it does to walk away when it's wrong.

Denonco kėtė mesazh tek moderatorėt | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetėr 24 Mars 2005 18:30
Klodel nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko kėtu pėr Profilin Personal tė Klodel Kliko kėtu pėr tė kontaktuar me Klodel (me Mesazh Privat) Kėrko mesazhe tė tjera nga: Klodel Shto Klodel nė listėn e injorimit Printo vetėm kėtė mesazh Shto Klodel nė listėn e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Pėrgjigju Duke e Cituar
Syri i Natės

Regjistruar: 24/08/2003
Vendbanimi: night
Mesazhe: 2545

“I want to be able to make someone smile forever,” she says.

He studies her face. “I want to look into someone else’s eyes and believe what I see,”

She lowers her eyes, and what she didn’t say was, “I want to tell you I love you.”

No, no dejéis cerradas las puertas de la noche, del viento, del relįmpago, la de lo nunca visto.

Denonco kėtė mesazh tek moderatorėt | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetėr 24 Mars 2005 23:50
darke nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko kėtu pėr Profilin Personal tė darke Kliko kėtu pėr tė kontaktuar me darke (me Mesazh Privat) Kėrko mesazhe tė tjera nga: darke Shto darke nė listėn e injorimit Printo vetėm kėtė mesazh Shto darke nė listėn e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Pėrgjigju Duke e Cituar
Syri i Natės

Regjistruar: 24/08/2003
Vendbanimi: night
Mesazhe: 2545

nje leter ne rruge


ADIÓS, pero conmigo serįs, irįs adentro de una gota de sangre que circule en mis venas o fuera, beso que me abrasa el rostro o cinturón de fuego en mi cintura.

Dulce mķa, recibe el gran amor que salió de mi vida y que en ti no encontraba territorio como el explorador perdido en las islas del pan y de la miel. Yo te encontré después de la tormenta, la lluvia lavó el aire y en el agua tus dulces pies brillaron como peces.

Adorada, me voy a mis combates.

Arańaré la tierra para hacerte una cueva y allķ tu Capitįn te esperarį con flores en el lecho. No pienses mįs, mi dulce, en el tormento que pasó entre nosotros como un rayo de fósforo dejįndonos tal vez su quemadura. La paz llegó también porque regreso a luchar a mi tierra, y como tengo el corazón completo con la parte de sangre que me diste para siempre, y como llevo las manos llenas de tu ser desnudo, mķrame, mķrame, mķrame por el mar, que voy radiante, mķrame por la noche que navego, y mar y noche son los ojos tuyos. No he salido de ti cuando me alejo. Ahora voy a contarte: mi tierra serį tuya, yo voy a conquistarla, no sólo para dįrtela, sino que para todos, para todo mi pueblo. Saldrį el ladrón de su torre algśn dķa. Y el invasor serį expulsado. Todos los frutos de la vida crecerįn en mis manos acostumbrados antes a la pólvora. Y sabré acariciar las nuevas flores porque tś me enseńaste la ternura.

Dulce mķa, adorada, vendrįs conmigo a luchar cuerpo a cuerpo porque en mi corazón viven tus besos como banderas rojas,y si caigo, no sólo me cubrirį la tierra sino este gran amor que me trajiste y que vivió circulando en mi sangre. Vendrįs conmigo, en esa hora te espero, en esa hora y en todas las horas, en todas las horas te espero.

Y cuando venga la tristeza que odio a golpear a tu puerta, dile que yo te espero y cuando la soledad quiera que cambies la sortija en que estį mi nombre escrito, dile a la soledad que hable conmigo, que yo debķ marcharme porque soy un soldado, y que allķ donde estoy, bajo la lluvia o bajo el fuego, amor mķo, te espero, te espero en el desierto mįs duro y junto al limonero florecido: en todas partes donde esté la vida, donde la primavera estį naciendo, amor mķo, te espero. Cuando te digan "Ese hombre no te quiere", recuerda que mis pies estįn solos en esa noche, y buscan los dulces y pequeńos pies que adoro. Amor, cuando te digan que te olvidé, y aun cuando sea yo quien lo dice, cuando yo te lo diga, no me creas, quién y cómo podrķan cortarte de mi pecho y quién recibirķa mi sangre cuando hacia ti me fuera desangrando? Pero tampoco puedo olvidar a mi pueblo. Voy a luchar en cada calle, detrįs de cada piedra. Tu amor también me ayuda: es una flor cerrada que cada vez me llena con su aroma y que se abre de pronto dentro de mķ como una gran estrella.

Amor mķo, es de noche.

El agua negra, el mundo dormido, me rodean. Vendrį luego la aurora y yo mientras tanto te escribo para decirte: "Te amo". Para decirte "Te amo", cuida, limpia, levanta, defiende nuestro amor, alma mķa. Yo te lo dejo como si dejara un puńado de tierra con semillas.

De nuestro amor nacerįn vidas.

En nuestro amor beberįn agua.

Tal vez llegarį un dķa en que un hombre y una mujer, iguales a nosotros, tocarįn este amor, y aśn tendrį fuerza para quemar las manos que lo toquen. Quiénes fuimos? Qué importa? Tocarįn este fuego y el fuego, dulce mķa, dirį tu simple nombre y el mķo, el nombre que tś sola supiste porque tś sola sobre la tierra sabes quién soy, y porque nadie me conoció como una, como una sola de tus manos, porque nadie supo cómo, ni cuįndo mi corazón estuvo ardiendo: tan sólo tus grandes ojos pardos lo supieron, tu ancha boca, tu piel, tus pechos, tu vientre, tus entrańas y el alma tuya que yo desperté para que se quedara cantando hasta el fin de la vida.

Amor, te espero.

Adiós, amor, te espero.

Amor, amor, te espero.

Y asķ esta carta se termina sin ninguna tristeza: estįn firmes mis pies sobre la tierra, mi mano escribe esta carta en el camino, y en medio de la vida estaré siempre junto al amigo, frente al enemigo, con tu nombre en la boca y un beso que jamįs se apartó de la tuya.

*******************[in english]

The LETTER in the ROAD

Bye, but with me you will be, you will go inside of a drop of blood that circulates in my veins or outside, you will be a kiss that burns my face or a belt made of fire in my waist. Sweet mine, receive the great love that left my life and that in you it didn’t find territory like the lost explorer in the islands of bread and honey. I found you after the storm, rain washed the air and in the water your sweet feet shone like fishes.

Adored, I go away to my combats.

I will scratch the earth to build a cave and there your Captain will wait for you with flowers in the bed. You don’t think anymore, my sweet, in the torment that passed between us like a ray of phosphorus leaving us perhaps its burn. Peace also arrived because I’m returning to fight to my land, and as I have my heart complete with the part of blood that you gave me forever, and as I have my hands full of your naked body, look at me, look at me, look at me in the sea, that I go shining, look at me in the night where I’m sailing, and sea and night are your eyes. I haven’t left you when I go away. Now I will tell you: my land will be yours, I am going to conquer it, not only to give it to you, but to everybody, to all my people. The thief will leave his tower someday. And the invader will be expelled. All the fruits of life will grow up in my hands used to the powder. And I will know to caress the new flowers because you taught me what tenderness means.

Sweet mine, adored mine, you will come with me to fight hand-to-hand because in my heart your kisses live like red flags, and if I fall down, not to only I will be covered with earth, but also with this great love that you brought to me and that lived circulating in my blood. You will come with me, in that hour I will wait for you, in that hour and in all the hours, in all the hours I will wait for you.
And when the sadness that I hate will come to knock at your door, tell to it that I’m waiting for you and when the solitude will want that you change the ring where my name is written, tell to it to talk to me, because I had to go, because I’m a soldier, and there where I am, under rain or under fire, my love, I will wait for you, I will wait for you in the hardest desert and next to the bloomed lemon tree: everywhere where life is, where the spring is being born, my love, I wait for you. When they tell you "That man doesn’t love you", remember that my feet are alone in that night, and they are looking for the sweet and small feet that I adore. My love, when they tell to you that I forgot to you, and even though if I am who say it, you don’t believe me, who and how they could cut you from my chest and who would receive my blood when I may go to you bleeding? But I cannot either forget my people. I am going to fight in every single street, behind every single stone. Your love also helps me: it is a closed flower that every time fills up me with its aroma and that is opened suddenly within me as a great star.

My love, it’s night.

The black water, the sleepy world, are around me. The dawn will come soon and in the meanwhile I write you to tell you: "I love You". To tell you "I love You", take care of our love, clean it up, wake it up, defend our love, my soul. I give it to you as if I would have giving to you a handful of earth with seeds. From our love lives will be born. In our love they will drink water. Perhaps one day will arrive in which a man and a woman, like us, will touch this love, and it still will have the strengh to burn the hands that touch it. Who we were? What matters? They will touch this fire and the fire, my sweet, will say your simple name and mine, the name that only you knew because only you on the Earth know who I am, and because nobody knew me like one, like an only one of your hands, because nobody knew how, nor when my heart was burning: only your great brown eyes knew it, your wide mouth, your skin, your breats, your belly, your entrails and your soul that I woke up so that it would keep singing until the end of life.

My love, I wait for you.

Good bye, my love, I wait for you.

My love, my love, I wait for you.

And thus this letter is finished with no sadness: my feet are firm on the earth, my hand writes this letter in the road, and in the middle of the life I will be always next to the friend, in front of the enemy, with your name in my mouth and a kiss that never got apart from yours.

No, no dejéis cerradas las puertas de la noche, del viento, del relįmpago, la de lo nunca visto.

Denonco kėtė mesazh tek moderatorėt | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetėr 03 Prill 2005 00:23
darke nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko kėtu pėr Profilin Personal tė darke Kliko kėtu pėr tė kontaktuar me darke (me Mesazh Privat) Kėrko mesazhe tė tjera nga: darke Shto darke nė listėn e injorimit Printo vetėm kėtė mesazh Shto darke nė listėn e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Pėrgjigju Duke e Cituar

Regjistruar: 10/01/2003
Vendbanimi: .
Mesazhe: 5233

I don't love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz
or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as certain dark things are loved,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that doesn't bloom and carries
hidden within itself the light of those flowers,
and thanks to your love, darkly in my body
lives the dense fragrance that rises from the earth.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you simply, without problems or pride:
I love you in this way because I don't know any other way of loving

but this, in which there is no I or you,
so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand,
so intimate that when I fall asleep it is your eyes that close.

my fire, my river of life....

It takes just as much courage to express your love when it's right, as it does to walk away when it's wrong.

Denonco kėtė mesazh tek moderatorėt | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetėr 03 Prill 2005 13:13
Klodel nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko kėtu pėr Profilin Personal tė Klodel Kliko kėtu pėr tė kontaktuar me Klodel (me Mesazh Privat) Kėrko mesazhe tė tjera nga: Klodel Shto Klodel nė listėn e injorimit Printo vetėm kėtė mesazh Shto Klodel nė listėn e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Pėrgjigju Duke e Cituar

Regjistruar: 10/01/2003
Vendbanimi: .
Mesazhe: 5233

Re: nje leter ne rruge

Po citoj ato që tha darke

And when the sadness that I hate will come to knock at your door, tell to it that I’m waiting for you and when the solitude will want that you change the ring where my name is written, tell to it to talk to me, because I had to go, because I’m a soldier, and there where I am, under rain or under fire, my love, I will wait for you,
I will wait for you in the hardest desert and next to the bloomed lemon tree: everywhere where life is, where the spring is being born, my love, I wait for you.
When they tell you "That man doesn’t love you", remember that my feet are alone in that night, and they are looking for the sweet and small feet that I adore.
My love, when they tell to you that I forgot to you, and even though if I am who say it, you don’t believe me, who and how they could cut you from my chest and who would receive my blood when I may go to you bleeding? But I cannot either forget my people. I am going to fight in every single street, behind every single stone. Your love also helps me: it is a closed flower that every time fills up me with its aroma and that is opened suddenly within me as a great star.

My love, it’s night.

The black water, the sleepy world, are around me. The dawn will come soon and in the meanwhile I write you to tell you: "I love You". To tell you "I love You", take care of our love, clean it up, wake it up, defend our love, my soul. I give it to you as if I would have giving to you a handful of earth with seeds.
From our love lives will be born. In our love they will drink water. Perhaps one day will arrive in which a man and a woman, like us, will touch this love, and it still will have the strengh to burn the hands that touch it. Who we were? What matters? They will touch this fire and the fire, my sweet, will say your simple name and mine, the name that only you knew because only you on the Earth know who I am, and because nobody knew me like one, like an only one of your hands, because nobody knew how, nor when my heart was burning: only your great brown eyes knew it, your wide mouth, your skin, your breats, your belly, your entrails and your soul that I woke up so that it would keep singing until the end of life.

My love, I wait for you.

Good bye, my love, I wait for you.

My love, my love, I wait for you.

wonderful pablo neruda

It takes just as much courage to express your love when it's right, as it does to walk away when it's wrong.

Denonco kėtė mesazh tek moderatorėt | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetėr 04 Prill 2005 14:36
Klodel nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko kėtu pėr Profilin Personal tė Klodel Kliko kėtu pėr tė kontaktuar me Klodel (me Mesazh Privat) Kėrko mesazhe tė tjera nga: Klodel Shto Klodel nė listėn e injorimit Printo vetėm kėtė mesazh Shto Klodel nė listėn e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Pėrgjigju Duke e Cituar
Syri i Natės

Regjistruar: 24/08/2003
Vendbanimi: night
Mesazhe: 2545

Po citoj ato që tha analistja

wonderful pablo neruda

Neruda... Neruda... always walking by my soul...
there is no other who can fill up my silent noons like him; he put words where only the soul is master... this is really ART.

No, no dejéis cerradas las puertas de la noche, del viento, del relįmpago, la de lo nunca visto.

Denonco kėtė mesazh tek moderatorėt | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetėr 04 Prill 2005 16:13
darke nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko kėtu pėr Profilin Personal tė darke Kliko kėtu pėr tė kontaktuar me darke (me Mesazh Privat) Kėrko mesazhe tė tjera nga: darke Shto darke nė listėn e injorimit Printo vetėm kėtė mesazh Shto darke nė listėn e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Pėrgjigju Duke e Cituar
shpirt artisti

Regjistruar: 19/11/2003
Vendbanimi: Moscow
Mesazhe: 4646


Ndodhi ajo qe s'e kisha planifikuar. Perse me ty... S'e di! A he! Ndoshta dhe kujtimi i cmallur me ty ne ato rruget pa njeri, dhe ne skaj bulevardit me neone...! Po natyra e tille krijonte buzeqeshje... Hidherimin qe more ti, dhe hidherimin qe ndajtem ishte kjo dite e bukur me diell... Te lutem hidherimin ma sjell mua, sepse une dua te vuaj ne mungese vuajtjes sime...

Uroj prehje te kendshme, dhe mirupafshim ne parajse...

Perse, prit moj e nderuar... Jo ika

Me takosh ne ditelindjen time, tek ferri i Dante Aligierit...


Poets were the first teachers of mankind. Horace

Denonco kėtė mesazh tek moderatorėt | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetėr 06 Prill 2005 14:57
volter nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko kėtu pėr Profilin Personal tė volter Kliko kėtu pėr tė kontaktuar me volter (me Mesazh Privat) Kėrko mesazhe tė tjera nga: volter Shto volter nė listėn e injorimit Printo vetėm kėtė mesazh Shto volter nė listėn e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Pėrgjigju Duke e Cituar

Regjistruar: 10/01/2003
Vendbanimi: .
Mesazhe: 5233

sot u frymezova nga Rrushi dhe ndjenjat e mia po i permbledh ne disa fragmente nga letra e Markezit.

Se sapessi che oggi sarą l'ultimo giorno in cui ti vedrņ dormire, ti abbraccerei forte e pregherei il Signore affinché possa essere il guardiano della tua anima. Se sapessi che questa č l'ultima volta che ti vedo uscire dalla porta, ti abbraccerei, ti bacerei, e ti richiamerei per dartene ancora. Se sapessi che questa č l'ultima volta che ascolterņ la tua voce, registrerei ogni tua parola per poter riascoltarla una ed un'altra volta all'infinito.
Se sapessi che questi sono gli ultimi minuti in cui ti vedo ti direi "ti amo" senza assumere,scioccamente, che lo sai di gią. Sempre c'č un domani e la vita ci da un'altra opportunitą per fare bene le cose, ma se sbaglio e oggi č tutto ciņ che mi resta, mi piacerebbe dirti che ti voglio bene, e che mai ti dimenticherņ .

nuk do jetoj kurre me pishmanin ne zemer qe nuk i kam treguar ndjenjat e mia mjaftueshem dhe nuk do lodhem kurre se treguari qe jam e dashuruar me dashurine. nuk do harroj kurre qe kam lindur per te dashuruar e per te qene e dashuruar dhe do e bej dashurine te vetmin ligj rreth te cilit do vertitet jeta ime .

It takes just as much courage to express your love when it's right, as it does to walk away when it's wrong.

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Mesazh i vjetėr 14 Prill 2005 14:43
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